
Tiki Night at Teardrop Lounge Jan 17th

Oh, the tiki gods must be happy! They have smiled down on us with another Tiki Night at Teardrop Lounge! Trader Tiki will be working his bar tending magic behind the bar all night whipping up some delicious tiki concoctions from Three Dots and a Dash to the Nui Nui to the Pearl Diver. I'm gonna guess he will have his syrups and swizzle sticks on hand, as well, so make sure to bring plenty of cash.

Tiki Night is at the Teardrop Lounge on Sunday January 17th. Tiki Night starts when the doors open and ends when they kick you out.

Please, be responsible and make arrangements for a sober driver or to take a cab or TriMet to get you home. Those tiki drinks sure do pack a punch and in Oregon they only have to prove that your driving was impaired, not that your BAC was .08, in order to give you a DUII. Getting a DUII costs much more than a $40 cab ride home. Enjoy your night and time with other tikiphiles, but please, be responsible.

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