Mai Tai to Become the Official Cocktail of Oakland?
Victor Bergerson, better known as Trader Vic, invented the Mai Tai in 1944 in Oakland, CA. Due to this a following has emerged to make the Mai Tai the official cocktail of Oakland. Hopefully many tiki lovers and others in the community will get behind this idea and make sure their voices are heard by the city of Oakland that making the Mai Tai the official cocktail of Oakland is what they desire. With this Oakland may finally get to officially secure its grand position in the history of Polynesian Pop and Trader Vic will finally get the recognition he deserves from the city where he started it all.
While on our tiki road trip in August, Drew and I will be visiting Oakland to raise our Mai Tais and toast the inventor of one of the greatest tiki drinks ever made in the city where it all started. We will be visiting Conga Lounge, Kona Club, and the final resting place of Trader Vic.
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